So Rachie babe is currently in the hospital sweating through major contractions as I type this... Maybe she got the epidural already... Who knows?? I am SSSOOOOOO excited for my sweet baby niece to get here! I can't wait to hold her and smother her with kisses! Can you do that to a newborn?? Or do I have to give gentle air kisses? I think she'll be tough enough to handle the former :) Rach has been having contractions since like Sunday night. Talk about long labor! But apparently those were just weak contractions. She was supposed to get induced this morning but the baby beat her to it and her water broke all on its own. Kinda gross if you think about it too intensely. I just have this image of like a water balloon in her pants bursting and going everywhere... Probably doesn't happen like that but ya never know right? At least until it happens to you. Yet another reason NOT to have kids.. Who wants an exploding water balloon (that really doesn't have water in it at all, but something much more gruesome) to go off in their pants?! But I'm glad that Rach felt the need to do this so that I can have myself a cute little baby to spoil without all the draw backs ( like losing more than half of my sleep time... that's a serious issue). I'll post pics once rach has popped this baby out!
On a less personal note, meaning I'm not related to them, it seems that everyone is having babies. My best friend Lacy is only a month behind Rach getting ready to give me a nephew! Yep, she said I could be an aunt! :) Cierra is having a baby, Jill is adopting (but a baby is a baby, right?), Beckii has a son and just found out she's pregnant again, my aunt just had a baby and everywhere I look I see pregnant people. It might just be the town I live in... Three of my friends had babies earlier this year and even more of my friends have had a baby within the last two years and are working on other. Did I miss the memo that it's in fashion to be pregnant? I feel like I'm not with the times or something. Oh well. If I'm creating a fashion faux pas by NOT being pregnant guess I'll just have to live with the humiliation... LOL. Just take pity on me and buy me some ice cream.. Chocolate please!