Thursday, September 10, 2009

Walmart--- Good vs. Evil

I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart. I hate their lines. They have 50 checkout stands and only 5 people working. It makes for a long wait surrounded by screaming children and frustrated parents. I love that the entire store is a smorgisborg (just sound that one out ) of everything. If I ever have to waste time while I'm running errands I just go over to Wally world and spend an hour browsing. The only bad thing about this, I always find something that I don't need/didn't realize I wanted. And then I have to buy it. Like yesterday. I go to Walmart to buy a pencil sharpener for my new eyeliner. Total sidenote: they should mark on the package if you are going to need a sharpener for the eyeliner. I haven't had a non-self-sharpening eyeliner since I was twelve. Okay back on track.. I go to buy a pencil sharpener. Twenty dollars, one book, two movies, a candy bar, and some chapstick (don't forget the pencil sharpener) later, I walk out of the store. HeLLo. I totally get distracted when I'm in there. I just see all these cool doodads and fun toys and I think I just have to have them! I actually put some things back before I got to the checkout stand. I had this hot purple hammer/screwdriver set thingy which I loved. But what the heck would I have done with it? Obvious answer: hang something up! But everything is hung up and my dad has every tool I could ever want/need. At least I realized this BEFORE I left the store! It usually doesn't even occur to me until much later that I really don't need these things. And even then I can't really bring myself to feeling buyers remorse... hmm. What does that mean?

1 comment:

  1. what book did you get? i just bought and read the hourglass door by lisa mangum. it was good.
